Hi, my name is Belinda Polk. I'm a Systems Engineer working for a major government contractor. I have a wide variety of interests. This website is my attempt at sharing a bit of my world with anyone that is interested. This site links to my blog; some information about my inerests; information about my projects; and my resume. Below is a short overview of each area:
BLOG - This link takes you to my BLOG which I am currently developing. I haven't yet decided if I am going to continue developing it in Geeklog or if I will change back to Wordpress.
NOTES - This link takes you to an area where I keep all my notes and lists. The notes will cover a wide variety of subjects from my Bucket List to my favorite recipes to how to fly a drone to geocaching as a hobby... and much much more.
PROJECTS - This link takes you to an area where I will detail my projects on which I choose to spend my time.
RESUME - Despite my reservations regarding putting this out on the internet, this link will take you to pared down version of my resume.
Credits: I would like to thank John Fish and the guy that runs the Easy Tutorials
YouTube Channel. I have learned certain HTML and CSS attributes from both of their
Easy Tutorials YouTube Channel &
John Fish's Website